September 17th, 2023

Introducing myself……i am from india and doing my b tech course at a reputed college here…..the fact is i need to do any online business to stay alive as i am in dead bad need of money..i can work for 5 hrs a day and i just needed to get paid only for the jobs i do….pls if some one knows any methods on how to get any online jobs…;please help me….understand a brothers sadness….please keep in touch…..i tried adsense on my blog about the college www.way2cek.blogspot.comImage tags added-xxpaigexx =)
but it wouldnt help….it generated 3$ in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so oyu see please help a bb member….regards……..wating all day for replies/…please/……….
rahul……..rahul gireesh…………..
Please code all your links next time. Done it this time for you ~ walter

Answer #1
Perhaps you should read the rules before posting?
Just a suggestion…
Answer #2
Get a real job.
Answer #3
theres online sites like who pay you for doing ads they give. But the payment is low 1c per ad and you can only claim when the total is $10+
Answer #4
Don�t think there are any worth doing sorry and good luck wit your studies
Answer #5
oh……so……no hope eh. …..


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