[SOLVED]How to stop Adobe Photoshop CS3 from updating.

August 4th, 2016

Guys please tell me how the fu_k can I stop Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended from updating. I`ve just installed it and I saw that he started to download a 238 Mb update for….. I don`t know what.
Can some1 please tell me where can I find the option to stop this.
I`ve search all the menu but I can`t find anything.
Thanks a lot.

Answer #1
I would suggest simply downloading a Portable Version. If not then there should be a file in the installation directory which you can slightly edit or in-fact delete.
Answer #2
Use a firewall…
Answer #3
Use a firewall...
Probably the best option.
When I run any Adobe CS3 product it automatically checks for updates for ANY CS3 product you have installed. Some are just ‘point’ releases, yet still large. I still get a small update now and then though.
Edit: Sorry, I haven’t found a way to turn off automatic update checking/downloading.
Answer #4
turn off auto updates… i have it turned off on my comp, i cant remember how i did it but i think i might have done it when it came up with the do you want to download these updates thing.
edit: just did a bit of looking around it looks like i did turn it off in there. get the updater to appear and go into the propertys were there is an option to turn it off.
Answer #5
Use a firewall. I use ZoneAlarm firewall to block stuff like these, and more appz, and games.
Its usefull.
Answer #6
yeah..besides than the update being huge,blocking adobe programs from accessing the net will also make them not say the message “license expired” or sumthin like that because once it has access to internet adobe will block those keygen keys
Answer #7
I totally agree with the guys above, just block the adobe self updating with the firewall.
Answer #8
Anybody know how to do it without using a firewall cos I don’t use one?

Answer #9
Try installing ACE Utilites proggy. It will give you a total control of what services you want to shut or keep in booting up process. This Photoshop CS3 obviously has a service agent running in the background and as soon as you log on the NET, this agent contacts the Adobe homesite. Well Ace Utilities can stop that. I haven’t got Photoshop CS3 but I have an O&O DefragPro program and it does exactly the same thing. I stopped this puppy with ACE Utilities all right.
Answer #10
Easiest way is to rename:
found in:
Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater5
to stop them from running.
Answer #11
OK guys, I`m gonna uninstall it and get a portable version.
Thanks for all the answers guys.
C ya around.


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