[Solved] Wondering on the safety of a particular site

August 3rd, 2016

A friend contacted me today and asked about a streaming website 123movies(dot)to I have no idea what script kiddies can do these days and aren’t aware of the implications of using a streaming site. I don’t use them.
I know nothing. So if someone was to ask me what I guessed, I would say:
In my logic I would assume that when watching a movie from a website you are automatically opening up some kind of permission to do so, at the same time opening a direct line of communication.
What are the facts?

Answer #1
Especially flash has become a huge target for hackers. Common computer users think flash is for movies but the real truth is that flash was mostly developed for advertising industry. Like the trojan horse this movie functions are just the shell. Inside are the 100 Trojans that jump out to take your city from within when you go sleep. That is the real reason it became so successful (with website owners)! In order to work well for the advertising industry there are lots of nasty hidden functions and ports in flash for tracking and sharing (your computer). And that is ofcourse hackers dream come true open system.
You are relatively save as long as you keep your flash up to date but you never know if that next site you visite is just one step ahead of the updates with some 0day exploit.
P.S.: I didnt check out that site you posted and i will not. Also not recommend trying unless you are some real pro using a virtual machine install to check if anything there is able to take over your preciouse.
Answer #2
This particular site uses MP4 movies. flash I am aware of, I have constructed quite a few websites. I no longer use any flash.
Answer #3
Flash version 9+ also use mp4. Anyway go uninstall flash and try that site – it suddenly wont work anymore i bet. Flash is everywhere.
Answer #4
OK, thats interesting.
Anyway I checked the elements and some of the scripts and see no trace of flash related entries on this particular site, bootsrap, html5 jwplayer, java etc. Might of missed something but i dont know. I also used flash block which made no difference, disabled flash, shockwave, also tried this in IE, still made no dif. Still viewable. Not doubting you in general though.
As for this particular site, might be someone that knows a little more about it or its history/reliability
Answer #5
Im sure you know downloading a stream or from a trusted up-loader on this site, uses the pretty much the same download, and here is safer… Why not pass on the link to and get him to download a link from this site?? If his paranoid tell him to delete the movie after watching it, which is the same as watching a stream..
Answer #6
works grand my side mate films play as normal like a stream site is supposed to do
Answer #7
Thanks Mr Sarcastic.
I don’t know his reasons. Ordinarily if someone asks me to do something for them and I know and trust that person I dont ask questions, i just do the favor regardless of the consiquences. This guy especially. In short, not my business why he wants to know, just that he asked me to find out if its safe. So I asked you guys for him. Thanks for replying though.
Answer #8
Whenever I try to download or stream anything from that site it tries to go to hlok.qertewnt (dot)com
And Malwarebytes blocks it as potentially malicious..
So I don’t think I’ll bother pressing my luck!
Answer #9
Ok thanks , I will pass that on and advise against thanks


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