[SOLVED] What is this…?

August 7th, 2016

xp guardian 2010 malware
Any one else heard of this nasty, i got this today and can only find one reference on the net for it

Answer #1
I found something for you on a microsoft site.
First check this


After doing that you download Malwarebytes and scan your pc with it. You can find it here
Post the log you got in this thread.
The next thing you gonna do or want to do is make a Hijackthis logfile and post it here. So experts can check it or your pc has been attacked by mallicious software.
You can find hijackthis here.
If you use Vista/7 you right click on the program and run it as Administrator. After scan your pc and make a logfile post it here.
Good Luck my friend.
Answer #2
Thanks for ur help


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