SOLVED :: W7 Reinstall

September 23rd, 2013

How reliable is doing a clean install of W7 on my current OS partition without touching the document partition? By reliable I mean, will it truly erase everything on that old partition or do I need to reformat the whole drive?
Answer #1
You get to choose if you wish to format or not. If you don’t choose to format all files will remain intact.
Answer #2
but if i only format the OS partition, is that enough to wipe out viruses and such? (assuming they didn’t leak into the documents partition)
EDIT: Just so I don’t double post, I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the help I don’t have a virus (used hiren, malwarbytes, SD and F-Secure), but something is seriously messing up my internet speed and it’s not the hardware or ISP so I figured (or hope) a clean install will delete the issue and repair the problem…so to speak
Answer #3
yes assuming there not in documents etc. bt if u have a virus would be easier and wise to do some virus scans in safe mode etc.
Answer #4
2. Run Malwarebytes
3. If everything is clean, you are good to go and format C:
4. Do a clean install
5. Enjoy!
Answer #5
you could also try a rescue disk or bootable virus scanning disk/ linux distro that caters for the virus scanning purpose.
it’s always proved faster for myself, and it’s another reason why I dual boot Linux and Windows on my computer
To answer you question though, you could always reinstall one partition and leave the other, but in my experience, if the virus is in one partititon, it’s usually in the other. Hence, everyone is telling you to do a virus scan first, so that you may not need to reinstall.
You could also virus scan, fix problems, then backup all your documents and do what you like with your partitions
Answer #6
/~~~ Could a Mod delete this post please. My fault, sorry ~~~\


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