[SOLVED] I won new customers for Rapidshare?

August 6th, 2016

I just happened to notice this on my rapidshare collectors account:
But I didn’t refer anybody, I’m strictly annonymous. How can that be possible? Anybody know how this works?
Not that I’m complaining. 4 Euros is some pocket money.

Answer #1
Someone was getting ready to download one of your links and decided to buy a premium account. Since they were on your your link you get a point.
Answer #2
I didn’t know RS has that going on. Thank You.
Answer #3
you need 30 points before you can retrieve the money, and it will cost 1000 rapidpoints per ref point (30 x 1000 = 30,000 RP)
Answer #4
Figures RS will make it difficult.
Answer #5
Anyways, congratz on that !
Answer #6
Thank You. Now if I can figure out how to get everybody getting ready to download one of my links to buy a premium RS account!


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