[SOLVED] Help with WORD

August 5th, 2016

I’m not familiar using WORD apart from just typing in and that’s it.
Can someone please tell me how to sort in order.
I’ve tried using sort, but just can’t work it out.
To give you an example of what I’m wanting, is putting links into the correct order.

Removed links

There’s 3 links, so how do I get WORD to put in order?
I’ve just put 3, I’m talking dozens that can be all over the place, or even doubled up.
Any help appreciated.

Answer #1
The way I have done it in the past with large amounts of data, is start with the info in excel, and sort appropriately, and then copy and paste the tables into word and format them to fit how you want (Cell size so you can see all the info).
Answer #2
Thanks .
But I’ve never used excel, so would struggle even more with that.
Hopefully someone can tell me how to do in WORD or even Notepad.
Answer #3
Easy as as long as its installed in Excel. Say those three things would be in rows a1 a2 a3 (So the first column going down in alphabetical order)… You would then click on the a that doesnt have a number which would select all the info you have, and then there is a sort filler (looks like AZ), click that and all the info is sorted.. Highlight the necessary info and copy and paste into word, and resize if needed..
Answer #4
I’m not on computer ATM but I’ll see what happens with Excel, thanks.
Most simple things, aren’t to me.
Answer #5
Easy as as long as its installed in Excel. Say those three things would be in rows a1 a2 a3 (So the first column going down in alphabetical order)... You would then click on the a that doesnt have a number which would select all the info you have, and then there is a sort filler (looks like AZ), click that and all the info is sorted.. Highlight the necessary info and copy and paste into word, and resize if needed..
Sorting of links in Excel will not work properly. I found an alternative method using IDM.
Select all links. select “Download with IDM” And add to a queue.[no need to start the queue].
Click the filename tab. This will sort the filename.
Select the files in the queue and click “File>Export> Export to a text file> Export selected files”.
This will save the links in sorted order to a txt file.
Answer #6
I’ll try that, thank you.
If works it would be perfect.
Thank you for your suggestion.
It won’t work for me the way you have described, as I don’t have IDM integrated.
But I adapted to it.
My way is longer for me.
I have to put links in txt file and import them to IDM.
Then do as you said and then export it to txt file.
It is a long way for the same result but it works.
Only problem I have is i realized I have duplicate links, BUT they aren’t the same.
So when ticking exclude duplicates it can’t work.
So need to manually remove them from txt file.
But it works and that’s the main thing.
Thanks again.


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