[Solved] Google won’t open?

October 22nd, 2013

I have been having this problem lately and it’s very agitating. I cannot get google.com to open. Now here are my facts. It’s something wrong with my computer because I can connect to my router from my laptop and access google on my laptop and Ipod but not on this desktop. I did notice about 2 weeks ago it turned off when I installed Mcafee Antivirus. I have uninstalled that but the problem still persists? I use google daily atleast 10 times for research and all that fun stuff so I kind of need it. Yahoo isnt doing me as much as help? The Mcafee was a trial and I just installed it emergency to get rid of virus. It cleaned out my computer but I think thats the problem. I do not have much knowledge on Windows Firewall and blocking connections but I do know it allows firefox and ie. and google doesnt work on either Firefox or Internet Explorer and I’ve tried Opera? Any ideas on coming up with a solution? I also reset my modem and router. Updated my browsers. unistalled Mcafee?

Answer #1
have you tried restoring your system to an earlier date to see if it helps ??
Answer #2
Try disabling firewall? If you can’t access it on any browser that means problem’s not browser related. It could be firewall related. Probably. Maybe Firefox IS allowed but google.com isn’t. First try disabling firewall completely and see if problem is fixed.
Answer #3
TheGreatKali replied: have you tried restoring your system to an earlier date to see if it helps ?? Well It’s been over 2 weeks now so it’s gonna change around my settings?
Answer #4
4one replied: Try disabling firewall? If you can't access it on any browser that means problem's not browser related. It could be firewall related. Probably. Maybe Firefox IS allowed but google.com isn't. First try disabling firewall completely and see if problem is fixed.
Okay I’ve tried to disable it and still no luck?
Answer #5
Try flushing your DNS cache.
Close any browsers.
start > run > ipconfig /flushdns
see if that helps.
Can you ping/tracert Google from that pc ?
start > run > cmd
ping google.com and hit enter
tracert google.com and hit enter
Answer #6
Hey there,
I have seen something like this a couple of times.
The first couple of things I would do to resolve are as follows:
1. As the above poster mentioned, clean out the DNS Cache, but then re-register it also, this is done by running the “ipconfig /registerdns” command after the flush.
2. I can only presume you have no custom ARP routes, so clean the arp cache by performing a “ARP -d” at the command prompt.
3. The last thing I would check is that your host file has not been modified. It shouldn’t have anything in it, beside the comments, and they are like mail.acme.com etc. (Preceded by # symbol) The host file is located at “C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts” Open it with notepad and send me on the contents if you wish, I’ll let you know if its been modified. If it has, you may have a bigger problem, such as spyware/Malware.
Answer #7
See if you can access Google through a proxy:
If you can, there is definitely something the virus did you picked up that ~censored~ up your system. There are many different things you can do to try to trace down the problem and try to fix it, but I won’t bore you with the details because it’s going to take a lot of time to do. You’re probably better off backing up all your documents, pictures, videos and whatnot and reinstall Windows and all your programs. I know it sucks but all the time you’re going to spend trying to fix the problem is probably going to be the same as reinstalling.
Do cold image backups with Active Boot Disk every week or so. It only takes about 20 minutes to do and you’ll be able to restore your PC to the exact state it was before something ~censored~ it up.
Answer #8
LedAstray replied: See if you can access Google through a proxy:
If you can, there is definitely something the virus did you picked up that ~censored~ up your system. There are many different things you can do to try to trace down the problem and try to fix it, but I won't bore you with the details because it's going to take a lot of time to do. You're probably better off backing up all your documents, pictures, videos and whatnot and reinstall Windows and all your programs. I know it sucks but all the time you're going to spend trying to fix the problem is probably going to be the same as reinstalling.
Do cold image backups with Active Boot Disk every week or so. It only takes about 20 minutes to do and you'll be able to restore your PC to the exact state it was before something ~censored~ it up.

Well I did try using proxy. I was able to access google but it was google netherlands not USA? idk if that means anything
Answer #9
keithk720 replied: Hey there,
I have seen something like this a couple of times.
The first couple of things I would do to resolve are as follows:
1. As the above poster mentioned, clean out the DNS Cache, but then re-register it also, this is done by running the "ipconfig /registerdns" command after the flush.
2. I can only presume you have no custom ARP routes, so clean the arp cache by performing a "ARP -d" at the command prompt.
3. The last thing I would check is that your host file has not been modified. It shouldn't have anything in it, beside the comments, and they are like mail.acme.com etc. (Preceded by # symbol) The host file is located at "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts" Open it with notepad and send me on the contents if you wish, I'll let you know if its been modified. If it has, you may have a bigger problem, such as spyware/Malware.

Ok I tried the 3rd thing you said and there’s only 2 ip adresses both are same except last digit and ones google.com and other is bing.com. However it says an example rhino.acme.com and the other example says x.acme.com?
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Answer #10
gilly replied: Try flushing your DNS cache.
Close any browsers.
start > run > ipconfig /flushdns
see if that helps.
Can you ping/tracert Google from that pc ?
start > run > cmd
ping google.com and hit enter
tracert google.com and hit enter

I also tried that. I think i’m able to ping google but it wouldn’t load. Im starting to be sure of this being a virus or some malware
Add an useful, elaborate and on-topic comment next time.
Answer #11
Download and run Malwarebytes in safe mode (tap F8 when booting), and also your run a scan with your antivirus.
When you are in safe mode, remove the entries for Google and Bing from your Hosts file.
*edit you got the NL site probably because you were using a Dutch proxy
Answer #12
gilly replied: Download and run Malwarebytes in safe mode (tap F8 when booting), and also your run a scan with your antivirus.
When you are in safe mode, remove the entries for Google and Bing from your Hosts file.
*edit you got the NL site probably because you were using a Dutch proxy

huh this is pretty funy. I didnt try the malware bytes scan but i changed the hosts file by deleting the google and bing taht was in it and it seems to be working now lol. thanks dude. I owe you one
Answer #13
no probs – glad you are back to normal
But, it was more than likely malware that changed your hosts file in the first place, so will more than likely happen again until you get rid of it.


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