[SOLVED] Broadband Problem

August 5th, 2016

Hello friend Sorry for my bad ENGLISH
i was get a broadband connection but problem is..
Some site not open in my pc
i tried efferent browser but not work
some site of them ..

And some https sites
I call to broadband service provider but they say we are not blocking any site see your setting and browser setting and DNS stuff . but I don’t know how.. ?
please help me.. I have team viewer .. PM me for id and pass
[Solved] Broadband Problem
In WAN Setting MTU size missing

Answer #1
see that your browser plugins mainly flash and java are uptodate. The banking sites usually require latest versions of both.
Answer #2
try if that works, then your DNS needs to be changed. try https://store.opendns.com/setup/computer/
Answer #3
try if that works, then your DNS needs to be changed. try https://store.opendns.com/setup/computer/
whats thats ip
sorry i dont know about DNS AND IP
can i put that in dns?
Answer #4
see that your browser plugins mainly flash and java are uptodate. The banking sites usually require latest versions of both.
yes all up to date.. thanks for reply
Answer #5
Try to use to open sound could…and let know
Answer #6
Try to use to open sound could...and let know
not opening …
Answer #7
Try this out :
Change to google DNS
Answer #8
Have U updated your Java ??
ED: And use this:
Answer #9
try this…switch off your router/modem for ~30sec to 1min and unplug the ethernet cable going inside your PC. Then switch the router/modem back on and then plug the ethernet cable back into the port and then see if you can browse the sites
Answer #10
Try this out :
Change to google DNS

tried… but not work …


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