Seeking HD MP4’s//Converter&Conversion Settings

January 26th, 2020

Hello (: I just got an i5 and I really enjoyed watching Rise of The Guardians digital copy on it. The quality was really good! I was wondering if anyone knows a site or a thread that offers other MP4 movies in the same quality? I tried looking for some but they weren’t as great as quality as the digital copy one. (I don’t mind downloading 3gb movies ) I understand that non animated movies aren’t going to be as clear as animated movies (: If there aren’t any, then can anyone show me a really good converter and maybe tell me some settings to get really good quality on the conversion? I tried some conversions before with Bluray 1080p movies but they don’t come out as clear as I thought it would. Thank you
Answer #1
Moved from Movies & TV Shows requests to Helpdesk.
Answer #2
Why do you want it in MP4?
Answer #3
Try this after installing ProMedia Carbon.
Only multi-threadded converter out there, only transcodes if neccessery.


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