Replace the graphics card in a laptop

December 30th, 2013

Is it possible to replace the graphics card in my laptop?
Answer #1
If its not soldered on, most likely yes.
Answer #2
How do i know if its soldered?
Answer #3
Upgrading Your Laptop’s Graphics Card
Upgrading your laptop's graphics card is no walk in the park; in fact it's something more akin to open heart surgery. But it can be done, and the rewards can be well worth the trouble and risk.
Answer #4
That slideshow actually makes it look as easy as replacing a hard disk It’s really not that simple. I laughed at slide 5, which just said “replace the graphics card”, haha.
Answer #5
Squirrelman replied: That slideshow actually makes it look as easy as replacing a hard disk It's really not that simple. I laughed at slide 5, which just said "replace the graphics card", haha.
LOL, me too and I had to post that just for laugh sake
Answer #6
No way that is possible, it be too much of a hassle. You have to make sure it works with your motherboard, enough power, drivers. etc etc. Also most laptop GPU are stuck on the motherboard.
Answer #7
Thats the laptop i have. Its good in every other spec but the graphic card lets it down.
Answer #8
Is it possible to replace the graphics card in my laptop?
I don’t know… what laptop do you have?? In most cases, yes.


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