Remove DEP from locked iPad2

August 4th, 2016

I have a perfectly fine iPad Air 2. It configured to a company that went out of business and sold their things. I cannot get past the authentication screen. I wiped the tablet. I was able to set up my account but it won’t get past the “cannot download config” screen. If I turn on wifi it downloads the old companies configuration files from the iCloud.
I’m new to Mac. Can I download something like jailbreak and delete the mdm profile so it stops trying to phone home? I’ll take any advice.

Answer #1
have you tried plugging it into iTunes?
Answer #2
^HAHA. Best reply, ever.
If it’s got find my ipad/iphone on and you’ve wiped it, you’re out of luck. Even if you take it to Apple, they’d want proof of ownership, just because you brought it from a bust company, they can’t do nothing for you. Had this problem before, in the end I just sold it for parts, wasn’t worth the hassle. Plus, the iPad 2 is very old now. by the time you’ve paid to get icloud etc remove, you could’ve brought an ipad mini or something, NEW.
It’s locked, you’re buggered. not being harsh or anything but it’s a security feature created by Apple to stop people stealing, you’ve got yourself a nice doorstop. You see a lot of people buying from Craiglist and the same thing happens to them, without proof of original ownership, Apple won’t do nothing for you.
Sorry, mate.
Answer #3
I have a perfectly fine iPad Air 2
^HAHA. Best reply, ever.
. Plus, the iPad 2 is very old now. Sorry, mate.

He said It’s an iPad Air 2, Sybil.
OP you’re probably not going to fix it without starting iTunes and reading up on how to force a reset factory settings. I forget the combination but while booting and plugged into PC with iTunes I think its Start button and Home button at the same time. Eventually you should get a prompt. From memory it takes a few attempts sometimes. Google will help. Ive had to do this and it resets and configures your Pad with the latest iOS. Its just been a while thats all. If that doesn’t help and your google research isn’t successful, sorry to hear pal.
Answer #4

Remove DEP from locked iPad2

Which, is what I said, the iPad 2 is very old.
Get with it, old man.
Answer #5
Did you see this?
Answer #6
Thanks guys. That last article sums it up. I’m an Android guy, was doing my best to help a friend but I’ll let him know it’s dead weight.


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