Reliable File/Image Host for Hotlinking/eBay?

August 24th, 2013

My usual host Fileden has been down for maintenance for the last few days which is a pain when you’ve got eBay listings using images uploaded to it. I also store some mp3s and small avi files there.
It has been a bit flakey on and off this year but had been better since being taken over. However I think now I should really consider other options that are more reliable.
What do people recommend?

Answer #1
For Image Hosting, use lulzimg, but no account management.
For File Hosting, I use Filesavr for small stuff.
Answer #2
Answer #3
I’d prefer one that did both with account managment of some sort. Perhaps that’s the holy grail. . .
Answer #4
DaLegend replied: I'd prefer one that did both with account managment of some sort. Perhaps that's the holy grail. . .
Answer #5
SmAsHeDr replied: DaLegend replied: I'd prefer one that did both with account managment of some sort. Perhaps that's the holy grail. . .

That sounds a possible, I’ll have to look into whether it allows hotlinking.
Answer #6
DaLegend replied: That sounds a possible, I'll have to look into whether it allows hotlinking.
If they didn’t, I would not have suggested them to you =/
Answer #7
SmAsHeDr replied: DaLegend replied: That sounds a possible, I'll have to look into whether it allows hotlinking.
If they didn't, I would not have suggested them to you =/

Well I’ve got it set up and it works beautifully. Just what I was looking for!
Answer #8
DaLegend replied: Well I've got it set up and it works beautifully. Just what I was looking for!
Awesome man.
I don’t use them much, why I answered “Dropbox?”.
So I have no idea what the limitations are on how big of files and how much data,
nor do I have any idea how if there is a cap on bandwidth or how big of files you were hosting.
Check up on all of these, make sure it wont cap out on you. Good luck sir…
Answer #9
The best so far.


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