Question on Windows 8 start button

August 31st, 2023

I have a new Toshiba laptop with Windows 8.1. I’m not liking it so far. Perhaps if I had a start button it would help me navigate better. Can anyone recommend a start button for me please?

Answer #1
I have a new Toshiba laptop with Windows 8.1. I'm not liking it so far. Perhaps if I had a start button it would help me navigate better. Can anyone recommend a start button for me please?
Start8. Buy or use but you should seriously buy it since $5 is not much and it is windows fault not theirs plus if you have start8 you can skip the whole metro interface and its an easy to use program.
Answer #2
Start8 or get windows 7
Windows 8 isn’t really made for non-touchscreen computers.
Answer #3
Yep, Windows 8 crap on normal PCs!
Answer #4
Classic Shell (I think 402 is the latest version) makes a perfect start button for Windows 8/8.1 … It’s freeware and very customizable. I’ve been using it on 8.1 for a few months now and I’m very content with it.
Windows 8.1 is also brilliant on a PC and contrary to what has been said, it isn’t just for touchscreen computers. I have mine booting into the desktop at startup and the touchscreen/apps content never shows up on my computer. It’s also faster than windows 7 and I use it on a motherboard that doesn’t even support 64 bit Windows (i.e. it’s very old)
Answer #5
Yeah, I also recommend Classic Shell
Answer #6
I like StartIsBack for Windows 8, though you would need StartIsBack+ fow Windows 8.1, and I have never tried it. Start8 would be my second choice.
Answer #7
Not sure if you have made your mind up yet OP – but I just installed classic shell on my w8 laptop and its perfect – just fyi!
Answer #8
Thank you all for your suggestions. As of now, I decided to try Start 8. Have a 30 day trial. If I don’t like it, I will try Classic Shell.


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