Pausing and hiccup during my downloads, whats up with that?

August 4th, 2016

My ISP has no problems, I have been using RS for years. Lately RS will download a few seconds… pause like 2 seconds…. download 1 second… repeat….
What is up with this GAYNESS???? This doesn’t happen when I download anything or anywhere else???? Is RS becoming gay?

Answer #1
Reinstalll your browser.
Answer #2
Are you using wireless router, if yes the packets might lose in the air, make sure your PC gets the best signal.
Answer #3
My ISP has no problems, I have been using RS for years. Lately RS will download a few seconds... pause like 2 seconds.... download 1 second... repeat....
What is up with this GAYNESS???? This doesn't happen when I download anything or anywhere else???? Is RS becoming gay?

that happened to me before onece, I don’t know what was wrong but it went away
Answer #4
Moving ~ .
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Answer #5
Probably your using a wireless router. Maybe it’s just RS, it’s acting gay lately.
Answer #6
Sir, how can it be gay? Does the browser have intercourse with same sex browsers while you watch? If RS is to be gay as you claim, does that mean it has cyber sex with its older brother site? Perhaps you should describe things better. So connection is dropping, what internet you use. If its wireless thats why, if its cable turn on and off your modem. Restart comp, empty temporary files using CCleaner (freeware). Try downloading at another time. Use different browsers theres Safari, IE7, Opera and Firefox.
Answer #7

Sir, how can it be gay? Does the browser have intercourse with same sex browsers while you watch? If RS is to be gay as you claim, does that mean it has cyber sex with its older brother site?

^^ made me laugh!! =)
If you are downloding as a free user it is probably just the rapidshare speed restriction kicking in.
I have the same issue as a free user, download start at like 220ish then drop to 50/60, then the download just pulses from 0 to 50/60 untill it is finished.It is just rapidshares way of restricting your speed as a free user


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