Opera memory usage

August 5th, 2016

Well, as my title say, I have one question about Opera.
Is it possible to limit memory usage by Opera.
I’m using it only for cleaning of dead links.
Problem is that after some time it reaches high amount of memory i.e. 2 GB is in use by Opera.
Any recommendation on what I could try.
Thank You

Answer #1
I don’t think there is a way of limiting memory usage for a single application. However, even if there was – you shouldn’t. Opera would just crash when it reached the limit.
This is clearly a known issue for Opera; my recommendation would be to use a different browser. Firefox, Chrome, or even Avant.
Answer #2
Firefox, not bad, but doesn’t work for my cleaning.
Already have Chrome, but opera works a lot better.
Thanks for Avant, will see how does it look and report back.
Cheers for now.
Answer #3
yeah opera sucks when it comes to loads of tabs opened, only thing I can think of is increase your virtual memory. worth a try.
Answer #4
I could try that.
But how much.
I have 4GB Ram.
It says it is recommended 6GB.
When I want to set it, do I need to set Initial size also, if yes, how much, and how much for maximum size.
Same size for both values, right.
I’ve tried to put the same values, but it seems that PC changes it to System managed size.
Answer #5
I would recommend chrome, since they load every tab in a separate process it really hits your computer resource if you have a lot of tabs open
FF and Opera are quite decent for a lot of open tabs
Answer #6
I also have Chrome which is really good, but the thing is that I can’t check RG links if I use Chrome, but I can with Opera.
It seems that Opera use 1,8GB max of memory, no more.
Answer #7
I could try that.
But how much.
I have 4GB Ram.
It says it is recommended 6GB.
When I want to set it, do I need to set Initial size also, if yes, how much, and how much for maximum size.
Same size for both values, right.
I've tried to put the same values, but it seems that PC changes it to System managed size.

6/8GB should be enough. make sure you tick:
should be the same for windows 7.
oh yes, I forgot. make sure you restart your computer so it’s effective.
Answer #8
But I did restart PC after I filled those fields, will try again and let you know did I succeed.
Thanks once again.
Will update in 5 minutes…..
It is accepted, it seems that I didn’t click on Set first time
Also, is there some other way to check my virtual memory, so I now “it is accepted”……..
Answer #9
have a look in task manager > performance.
Answer #10
Try Maxthon.
Answer #11
@Effy Stonem
It just says about physical memory which looks the same as before….
But it seems that Opera is stable enough, and even when it use ~2 GB of memory I don’t notice and slowness on my PC, but if Chrome use 2 GB then I can notice it without any problem.
Still didn’t tried Avant, only installed it, will test it later.
Oh yeah, I already forgot about it.
Cheers for now, Tex.


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