Need some help picking out parts for new computer

August 4th, 2013

I currently am making a list of parts I’m going to be ordering in the next few days and need some help with picking out some good parts or maybe someone knows a better combination ? I’m a little new at building computers so was hoping someone could help me out. I have a budget of around $500 not including the case or windows 7. Mostly will be used for developing video games and a little bit of gaming. So it needs to be able to handle a lot of applications running at once and should be very fast.
8 gigs of ram
10,000 rpm harddrive
graphics card
Still not sure what kind of motherboard to go with but it needs to be micro ATX / ATX. Also not sure if I should go with amd or intel ? Or exactly how powerful of a power supply that I need. Cheers.
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ÃzN_Über Leet

Answer #1


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