Need new dvd burner

December 1st, 2013

looking into flashing my 360, so i need to get a dvd burner that burns to 8gig disks instead of the 4gig one i have.
just looking for a decent/cheap kinda one thats reliable…if something like that even exists lol.
just wondering if anyone knows what kind i should go for?
or would i be better just going for an external hdd and copying all the games to that?

Answer #1
You need to read the newer news, XGD3 and related.
A list of Lite-On’s that can be Crossflashed.
Recommend a drive emulator or Reset Glitch hack.
Answer #2
i have, the bigger game size thing. but did they not only take it from like 6gig to 7gig. so i dont get why i wont fit on an 8gig disk.
anyways, what about running if from and external hdd?
Answer #3
You’d get burn errors, its why the fuss about Crossflashing is all the craze.
External HDD needs a DVD drive emulator or the reset glitch hack which you need to buy anyway.
X3key or something like that.
Answer #4
ahh right. seems like i need to look into jtag more than flashing as well to get the new games to work, which i think involved soildering, which means im screwed
or just buy that key thingy and maybe that’ll work. does it work with xdg3 games too?
edit** just found a website that answers that last quesiton, maybe i’ll look into that instead of a new burner. thanks for the help


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