Need help deciding between two Geforce 9800GT Graphics Cards

January 28th, 2020

Hi there, buying myself a new graphics card soon and figured a cheap 9800GT would be good (I can’t run a 8800 in my system due to the motherboard incompatability issue those cards have) and I’ve found two both on Play. Just wanted to know which you’d regard as better? (�10 price difference I know)
Here’s the two cards.
Thanks for your help and will look forward to your replies.

Answer #1
well its the same graphics card and your just paying for a name and if i were you i would get the because there a known brand name and there pretty good and by the way its a 2 dollar price difference howerver the PNY one they dont mension any technologies in it like the physx technology that nvidia put in it and the other one and if i could make an additional sugestion, try to get a Asus one if you cant get one go for a BFG and if you cant get that go for a EVGA


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