Music question

January 28th, 2020

When I inherited this laptop, it had hundreds and hundreds of music files. I am pretty liberal-minded where music is concerned and like nearly all genres. But…there is one file that has no Title and no Artist. I really do like the piece, but I have no earthly idea how to find out who it is or what it is.
Does anyone know a site that will let me upload the file to them, and see if someone can supply the artist and stuff? I have been listening to A LOT of music of that same genre during the search, and think I may have it narrowed down a little, but only because some parts are similar to the unnamed file.
If anyone has any input, it would sure be appreciated. It has been a nice puzzle to work on, and I have found an outrageous amount of new music to like and listen to in the process, but I really would like to stop looking…lol
Anyhow, thanks for any help or advice.

Answer #1
Can’t say I know about a service like that, maybe others will. I take it you’ve done a google search on the lyrics, if it has any? You could also upload it to youtube for instance and share it here, maybe someone will know it…
Answer #2
Can't say I know about a service like that. I take it you've done a google search on the lyrics, if it has any? You could also upload it to youtube for instance and share it here, maybe someone will know it...
No lyrics to this one, just instrumental. I make videos and upload to youtube and vimeo and google+. Maybe I should give that a try, would be worth it. Thanks a lot
Answer #3
try shazam


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