motherboard and CPU tempertaures! (URGENT!)

February 2nd, 2020

okay so right now my mobo is 51 C
and my CPU is 65 C
(im rendering in max….)
but the rendering is really slow and it says itll finish in 14 hours, its been on for 3 hours now…. what do i do? is it safe?

Answer #1
Motherboard is a bit high but it’s alright.
Answer #2
asus berkeley and q6600
Answer #3
Sort of hot for the CPU, though for Q6600’s its normal.
A Q6600 slapped with a Zalman CNPS 9700 is still pretty hot. Though I recond with Prime 95 it will go even hotter.
Answer #4
do you have any say for the mobo?
Answer #5
Well motherboards can get pretty hot as well, especially if the cooler is passive.
Its hard to tell if which part of the motherboard your thing is measuring, if its the Northbridge or Southbridge it can get pretty hot.
I had to slap a fan near my Southbridge since it goes over 70 degrees.
Now it’s happy at around 50 degrees celsius.
Answer #6
you have to note that its still on load and will be on load until like 12 hours later….. isnt that like….. really bad for my computer?! btw i have a fan blowing pretty hard into my computer…
Answer #7

PiratezRme wrote: Select all

you have to note that its still on load and will be on load until like 12 hours later….. isnt that like….. really bad for my computer?! btw i have a fan blowing pretty hard into my computer…
Yeah, though when mine is at idle it can get up to 70. I got a fan blowing in towards the video card and Southbridge from the side (since they are all passive). Still I don’t recond its a problem, clean the dust a little and the coolers will do the job fine.
Answer #8
okay cool. but i think the cleaning the dust part is what my exterior fan is doing lmao….. btw is it bad for my compuyter to be on load for 12 hours? the CPU is like….. at 100% all the way and its a four core bro….. and for 12 hours straight!
(btw is 3 days on load bad? lol cuz theres this dude that made a test film called “whats in the box?” [search it on youtube, pretty awesome] and he said he rendered out a scene for 3 days, and if it didnt look right he had to change it a bit and render it for three days….)
Answer #9
If you watch the temperatures carefully, full load is fine.
Though its better if your CPU is a bit cooler, for long time operating hours the default cooler should be swapped, if that is what your using.
Change the cooler to a highly rated one, as Q6600’s can get pretty hot.
A good one will be from the Thermal Right’s ranges.
Answer #10
that mobo temp looks very high to me (my intel chipset has probs over 40�)
Answer #11
For dust removal you have to clean it yourself, no fan will do the trick.
Answer #12
but for now (since i cannot stop the rendering process…) just keep it as is? right now CPu & MOBO are:
CPU = 65 61 67 66 (and then a 40? and thats the CPU, the other ones which are like in the 60’s are the cores…. how come it says 40 for the CPU?)
MOBO = 49
all in C degrees
(EVEREST Ultimate Edition PORTABLE readings)
Answer #13
You are fine. I have rendered for over 48 hours at a higher temperature back when I had that CPU. Don’t worry about it. I had mine overclocked to 3.0. Thats a tough processor you have.
Answer #14
You are fine. I have rendered for over 48 hours at a higher temperature back when I had that CPU. Don't worry about it. I had mine overclocked to 3.0. Thats a tough processor you have.
have you seen whats in the box? he rendered it for like 3 days bro! hahaha mann
Answer #15
Monitoring many temperatures for each core can be confusing. Just use a monitor such as speedfan or the one your motherboard came with.
Answer #16

Dragon Core wrote: Select all

Monitoring many temperatures for each core can be confusing. Just use a monitor such as speedfan or the one your motherboard came with.
Seconded speed fan is usually more accurate. Just don’t freak out when you see the little fire icons beside CPU0-3
Also turn the fan around so it is blowing hot air out of the case. You will get better results that way.
Answer #17
but should EVEREST keep it accurate? gah
Answer #18

PiratezRme wrote: Select all

but should EVEREST keep it accurate? gah
If you want to know every core’s temperature, though the thermal diode isn’t that sensitive, so knowing the overall temps will be enough as a general thing.
Answer #19
well the cores are higher than the CPU itself? CPU is 39 while the cores are like in the 60’s…. why’s that?
Answer #20
think it’s because the cores have internal sensors and the CPU temp is an external sensor like the older single core CPU’s
your main concern is the core temps with yours being – Thermal Specification62.2�C
Answer #21
so since mine is like 67C on each core thats a bad thing? (on load)
Answer #22
well it’s not good
and that may be down clocking your CPU
everest saying your running @ full speed
2.4GHz or 2400MHz
Answer #23
CoreTemp is most accurate for measuring temps of 65nm Core 2 CPUs. For 45nm Core 2s and i7s use Real Temp.
Answer #24
My CPU/MoBo never eally go above 60 underload, but my gfx card can hit 85.
Its all safe, aslong as it dosnt go above 90, well, thats my theory.
Answer #25
Its all safe, aslong as it dosnt go above 90, well, thats my theory.
Most Core 2s will go into thermal throttling when they reach around 74C.
Answer #26
this sucks for me then huh?? 8 hours left now, and you guys are saying it isnt good and im down clocking my CPU… crap…. lmao
Answer #27
You worry too much. It’s fine. What case you got? Motherboard temps will be lower with more ventilation in the case. Manage your cables better and have proper airflow etc
Answer #28
sorry, i guess i annoy people… hmm maybe thats why, cuz i worry too much lol.
okay im fine. phew.
and its an HP case a pretty bad ventilated case if you ask me. so that’s why i have an exterior fan blowing full speed right now.
Answer #29

#da wrote: Select all

Its all safe, aslong as it dosnt go above 90, well, thats my theory.
Most Core 2s will go into thermal throttling when they reach around 74C.
My Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme goes at MAX 54 under full load, with a min of under 30.
The hottest thing in my PC is my gfx card, (60-80).
Everything works fine, and always has…
Exept when i over clocked my old intel duel core to 4.1 GHZ… then it started to get a bit messy
Answer #30
since ive been done with the rendering… my computer has slown down….. ://////