Little Premium Question xD:D

August 1st, 2016

i have acc i wont tostop premium and open it later again howe i do that
Answer #1
I dont understand
Explain better and we can help more!
Answer #2
Please Close its impossible what i said was i have 10 days premium and one untill 23 feberuari i want to close one of 23 and open again when 10 days is over then 23 changes to 2 march
Answer #3
i have acc i wont tostop premium and open it later again howe i do that
Traduction: I have a account and I want to pause the premium on it so i can use it later on
You can’t do that.
Answer #4
Answer #5
if you want to do this cause you cant extend your account at the moment then its not that bad cause your premium account get only deleted a month after it ran out so you have a month time after it closes


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