Laptop overheating issue, should I buy a external fan?

August 24th, 2013
do you think I should buy this? I’ve been using a little desk fan pointing to under my laptop (alienware) to cool it and it fixed my fps issue. But then my processor was getting hot and my laptop shut off. I was thinking this would be useful because I can put the fans where ever I want, since my laptops fans are located in a weird place. What do you guys think?

Answer #1
yes its useful if your Laptop Overheating then Buy it.
Answer #2
yup, should work fine
Answer #3
Yep, cooling pads work nicely. You can get them for a lot less than that one, too.
Answer #4
Are they really useful? Since there’s hardly any airholes under the laptop how the hell are they gonna cool it
Answer #5
I always thought that they weren’t useful because when you plugin the air-cooler using a USB it draws more power running the fan.
Answer #6
Cooling pad will be fine
Answer #7
An Alienware lappy should have enough cooling ability in it anyway, especially when under stress. If it’s old, I would suggest giving it a spring clean.
Answer #8
I always thought that they weren't useful because when you plugin the air-cooler using a USB it draws more power running the fan.
that’s the trade off if you need the extra cooling
Answer #9
Hmmm.. I am also using something similar from Cooler Master. I plug the USB outlet to other power source instead of the laptop USB. Can see the laptop temperature dropping to around 42 to 45 deg C.
Answer #10

This should work fine. Silver paste good too. And, clean your fan first, which is the easiest, efficient and most economy way.
Btw, I don’t like cooling pad. It’s will only useful if your laptop fan blow out downwards, which I never seen before.
Answer #11
open your laptop and clean the vents and fan. if you’ve not done it before, it could be covered in dust, restricting airflow.


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