Is it Possible?
January 26th, 2020
Sorry – you question did not make grammatical sense:
Do you want a copyrighted book for free, or do you want to copyright your own book for free?
The first, look here in the ebooks section, the second, you already have copyright to your own written works, automatic.
In various countries you can register your work for further copyright protection (meaning that you have official notice of dates of the written work being done, etc), dunno if it’s free – I don’t know where you are..
Like mentioned above once your work is in some tangeable form (written down, recorded etc) you have automatic copyright.
But if you ever wanted to sue over copyright, you cant unless you have reg for copyright. this will cost you, lawyers fee among other things. No other way round it.
There is the poor mans copy right myth. You post your work to yourself, then when it arrives you keep unopened with a date on. thus you have proof at the time you had it. This can be faked, i doubt it would hold up in a court of law and has never been proven to work.
There is a sort of way around it – you post it to a chemist, judge, etc (a registered witness to signatures), with a cover note asking them to sign and date it, and why you’re asking this, tyhen go pick it up from them (or include a self paid addressed envelope).
I am in Malaysia.. and what you’re saying is, I already have a copyright if I type a book?
the poormans copyright has never been proven to work like I mentioned, it may help back up a claim, possibly, maybe, but doubtfull.
Get it done the proper way if you really need it. Not everything in this life is for free im afraid
When ever you create something you have copyright. But if some one copies and you you try to sue, you have to have copyright protection. To do this you normally have to go to court, pay for lawyers, fill in forms, pay fees etc, etc.
Your local govement website should be able to point you in the right direction regarding the laws in your country.
Emperor Detheroc wrote: Select all
I am in Malaysia.. and what you're saying is, I already have a copyright if I type a book?
When ever you create something you have copyright. But if some one copies and you you try to sue, you have to have copyright protection. To do this you normally have to go to court, pay for lawyers, fill in forms, pay fees etc, etc.
Your local govement website should be able to point you in the right direction regarding the laws in your country.
I see.. but wait.. can I copyright the book I made after I found that it has been plagiarized?
Answer #8
no, you need to do it before.
Answer #9
no, you need to do it before.
I found a place to copyright but the problem is, that place can only do the domestic copyright.. not International..
Answer #10
I have no idea about international rights, best google it really.
Answer #11
I have no idea about international rights, best google it really.
done.. but none of them made any sense..