Increase volume on mp4 downloads

August 6th, 2016

I am downloading a batch of old TV shows for my father. I am getting some from and downloading some direct from Youtube. Stuff like You Bet Your Life, Dragnet. What’s My Line, etc. and putting them on an ipad I got him for Christmas for him to watch. He is 87 and has trouble hearing. I would like to increase the volume level on these downloads. I used to be able to do this when using ConvertXtoDVD and burning them onto DVDs but he has trouble using the DVD player so I want them in mp4 format on an ipad. I would like to increase the volume by about 15-20 percent unless they have captions but most of the older shows do not. Can anyone offer any help with this dilemma? Thanks in advance and Happy New Year to all!
Answer #1
xmedia recode (freeware)
– add the video to the list
– select output as mp4
– on the video tab choose “copy” so that the video doesn’t get re-encoded (maintains its original quality)
– on the audio tab, in the left panel choose “volume correction”
– change volume from 100% to 120% (whatever you like)
– click the big button at the top “add job” – click “encode”
Should only take a few seconds
Answer #2
Thanks so much, I am sure that will sort it all out for him!
Answer #3
why dont you get an app to normalize/increase the volume on playback rather than mess around converting/adjusting audio files?
a quick search shows that there are a few available such as SuperLoud Standard.
Answer #4
You could try this:
I’ve used it many times with great success . Just be sure to opt for ‘Custom Installation’ then you can de-select all the add on junk that always comes with freeware.
Answer #5
why dont you get an app to normalize/increase the volume on playback rather than mess around converting/adjusting audio files?
a quick search shows that there are a few available such as SuperLoud Standard.

because he is converting the files for a dvd burn?
Answer #6
Using an app sounds like an easier/quicker option to me.
he has trouble using the DVD player so I want them in mp4 format on an ipad.
Answer #7
Ahh.. forgot that. Sorry. In any case, I hate having 491 programs that do specialized things unless there is an actual need.
Having an app that just adjusts volume isn’t one of those specialized things! There are so many options (xmedia recode being one of them) that allow you to adjust volume as well as a bunch of other things. *smacks palm on forehead* The reason I suggested xmedia recode originally is because it also has the template for converting a video for his ipad – so the conversion and the audio adjustment could be done as one rather than in several steps.
Answer #8
he is going to find it a real nuisance having to mess around with every video that he wants to put on his ipad rather than simplifying things
it reminds me of micromkv who puts annoying subtitles into the video container for every single video that he converts, they dont even play correctly on most playback devices because he uses font tags that are not recognised by most media playback devices
i kept having to remove them from every video i d/l’d which was a real nuisance, i gave up and moved to other encoders because it was not worth wasting my time on his encodes which were not all that brilliant anyway
Answer #9
How’s about over the ear headphones, they are great for keeping other sounds out and letting the sounds you want to hear be concentrated on the ear.
Answer #10
Another option (tested, works), use XBMC as the video player, it has a volume amplification option that pushes the volume waaaay above normal. It’ll probably even deafen the poor fella Also, I don’t even think you’ll have to convert them to MP4 as it’ll play anything (FLV, AVI, MKV etc).


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