Image Resize

January 29th, 2020

I need help with this image resizing im trying to use it for a facebook cover photo keeps saying must be at least 400×150 but i cant seem to resize it Image
please could 1 of you have a little look as i know this is an easy task im possibly missing something here
thanx in advance

Answer #1
Are you sure? At least? Don’t you mean “at most”?
Answer #2
Grab It’s free and small.
I suggest because you can do soooo much more with it than resize. If you’ve tried using mspaint, you probably noticed that the transparency is lost.
Open the image with the program.
Click image / select resize option from dropdown. Do it and save back to PNG
Answer #3
653 x 150:
400 x 92:
Done using PhotoZoom Pro.
Answer #4

Done using PhotoZoom Pro.

Excellent program – fully recommend!


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