I’m a total idiot.. please help me with xbox games on 360.

February 3rd, 2020

So I went on ebay and decided to buy Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for Xbox and I was planning to play it on my 360. I was totally unaware of the fact that this game had a lack of backward compatibility on my 360 so when I received the game in the mail and popped it in the 360 drive, I was utterly disappointed when my Xbox live found no updates to let me play the game.
I finally realized Metal Gear Substance wasn’t even on the list of playable games on the 360! What an idiot I am!
Does anybody happen to know of a hack or something that enables me to play my Xbox game on my 360!? I am SOOOO looking forward to playing my Metal Gear Solid 2 again, I’m sooo eager to play it. If there isn’t a hack, does anybody know of a way to help out my situation?
Thanks =D

Answer #1
nope. simply just resell it
speaking of metal gears, metal gears: rising is coming to xbox soon.
if you want some other good games you should consider left 4 dead, cod4, bioshock, mass effect, gears of war 2


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