IDM problem

December 31st, 2021

Ive got a rapigator account and set up user pass correctly in IDM , double checked user pass in explorer and Jdownloader and its fine but in IDM it wont download the file it downloads the web page html file .
Any ideas whats up here ?

Answer #1
IDM needs the cookie for IE for it to work.
Answer #2
Thanks followed all that and had to load the link into internet explorer and then it gives the option to dl in IDM , bit of a muck around but its now working , cheers .
Answer #3
it don’t need no cookie. Just login, enable “direct downloads” and be done with it. Insert your credentials in IDM and done.
Answer #4
it don't need no cookie. Just login, enable "direct downloads" and be done with it. Insert your credentials in IDM and done.
Did all that and it didnt work .
Answer #5
guess it’s possible it needs a login cookie but it works here just fine with firefox and IDM
Answer #6
guess it's possible it needs a login cookie but it works here just fine with firefox and IDM
Oh ok I will try in firefox thanks .
Answer #7
* The file is dead or gone.
* The file’s own server is down of the online drive that ahs that file is offline for repairs (it happens)
* Yes – even if you set Direct Downloads AND the user:password, some sites STILL demand to see the IE cookie – Firfefox is like that , UpLoaded isn’t. (just login with IE, the cookie lasts a week or so).


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