I need some place to store videos and files of my Smartphone

August 3rd, 2016

This is the deal.
Like every week I receive some important videos I have to keep secure.
By that I mean I am afraid someone is gonna mug my phone or something.
But I also want a convenience of accessing these files any time I want.
What I was thinkin was… Is there any kind of “mini hd” I can carry around and connect to the android via USB?
So I can easily transfer the important stuff and then walk around with my phone.

Answer #1
well, this would be one way , IF your phone supports a microsd card, get one … disadvantage : most models need to be turned off to plug in or remove the memory card.
Option 2 : Connect the phone via USB to a Laptop / Desktop and simply backup the files
Option 3 : Use a cloud service , like drop box. You can backup and retrieve the videos conveniently via your cloud account.
Answer #2
or get a device that supports USB host and simply attach an hdd directly to your phone/tablet like i do ^^
Answer #3
couldn’t someone mug your hard drive then? here is a program that works good for taking data off
new idea disguise the hard drive to look like something not valuable or put it in a book with a cut out inside for when you carry the hard drive on you
Answer #4
When I got my Samsung there was a deal that gave you 50GB for free on Dropbox.
Answer #5
Back your files up to the clouds
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