I need advice on capturing raw HDTV MPEG2 broacast signals.

August 23rd, 2013

I basically want to be able to plug my broadband cable from the wall into something “?” that can record raw HDTV signals as it’s broadcasting without any conversions or compressions etc. Just a 1 to 1 recording of 25 minute time slot of pure MPEG2 HDTV.
Then i need that device that recorded it to interface with my computer so i can archive the file and upload it to the net/servers.
Anyone have any suggestions for the better brands to use, and any other tips about what i need to do this? Money isn’t an issue. Thanks.

Answer #1
I am not a pro but, what is the shape of this cable?? and how do u get the signal through a broadband cable?
is it this one?
Answer #2
Just get a TV card for your PC. Record the broadcast using some TV software such as DVBViewer in transport stream (TS) format. Then you can save it to a Mpeg2 file and then do what you wish with it, either archive it or upload it but uploading will be too big most likely. You would need to encode it to x264 before uploading.
The reason you record in TS format is that the timing information is preserved and that allows any sync problems to be easily correct which cannot be done if you record it straight to Mpeg2.
Answer #3
Mighty Mighty mighty how r u, remember me ? u helped me a lot in hardsubbing subs with movies , i want to ask u a question about TV cards, do u know any software that i can sync with my remote (which is used with the original software??)
Answer #4
do u know any software that i can sync with my remote
I use “Girder 3” with the MIDI plug-in for my creative “break-out box (has IR receiver)” to control my HTPC
“Girder 5” is out but have never tried it
it may do what you want without plug-ins
some Girder 3 plug-in are here
Answer #5
hmmmm edwoodedwood, ur too pro for me, cant get what ur talking about now ^^ will google the info u gave though, and trey to understand it myself
thanks man
Answer #6
MiZoBiZo replied: hmmmm edwoodedwood, ur too pro for me, cant get what ur talking about now ^^ will google the info u gave though, and trey to understand it myself
thanks man
I really wish more people would be like you. Godspeed!
Answer #7
-paroxysM^ replied: MiZoBiZo replied: hmmmm edwoodedwood, ur too pro for me, cant get what ur talking about now ^^ will google the info u gave though, and trey to understand it myself
thanks man
I really wish more people would be like you. Godspeed!

Well, I always avoided to be a burden, and there is probably people who need more help than i do
its also kinda of fun to master everything u want about ur pc, and it needs some work i think
thanks paroxysm, btw are a doctor??
Answer #8
Mighty_Marvel replied: Just get a TV card for your PC. Record the broadcast using some TV software such as DVBViewer in transport stream (TS) format. Then you can save it to a Mpeg2 file and then do what you wish with it, either archive it or upload it but uploading will be too big most likely. You would need to encode it to x264 before uploading.
The reason you record in TS format is that the timing information is preserved and that allows any sync problems to be easily correct which cannot be done if you record it straight to Mpeg2.

I thought HDTV Transport Streams were already MPEG2. They aren’t ?
Answer #9
Transport Streams were already MPEG2
but there’s TS & PS (program Stream) index format
PS indexes each file segment
TS indexes all segments as 1 for continuous play
Answer #10
Yeah, ive seen those PS files before. There was something i didn’t like about them… Anyway, “TS indexes all segments as 1 for continuous play” is what i want. Will a good TV Card do that? I have HDTV through my Cable provider, so the signal is there.
Answer #11
most likely your signal has HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) if it’s a cable box
Answer #12
I guess expaining how to get around that wouldn’t be a wise thing to do in public. lol Can you PM me any links to where i can find out how to do what i want to do? Thanks.
Answer #13
They made cable companies put a firewire jack on all the new boxes. You can get the drivers and a tuner/capture app and use your laptop or PC. The apps also come with a timer and you can start/stop a program. I got the drivers and app and did some a while back.
Here’s a link for a start on it.
There are other sites for this. SageTV has a app, Also here is another one.
More info on how to do it.
Answer #14
Thanks for that!
Answer #15
where you at with this now ?
get it working ?


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