I Just Got A Weird DMCA In The Mail

July 31st, 2016

I run a forum for posting pics and videos of models and celebs and I just got a weird DMCA in the mail from Sanders Law for one Selena Gomez image on my forum it says I am being sued. I deleted the whole set with the image and banned the person posted the set. Anybody else got a DMCA from them? I think this could have been a bot just searching form something to flag maybe from key words then they send out there standard notice to see if someone just ignores it.
Answer #1
How could we get an letter from them when none of us RUN an forum that POST those sort of things?
A lots are fake but there are real one. In your case. It could be true. Saying that. We dont even know what that mail said so its just an guessing game.
Answer #2
^you know for sure NO ONE else here run’s a similar forum? that’s just pure guessing too.
post a picture of it, it may just be junk or even real.
Answer #3
I’d think they’d only be able to sue if no action was taken. This forum and many others get them all the time, and as long as they’re removed they are within the law.
Answer #4
^yep and from what you said; you’ve removed it and banned the user.
Answer #5
You know they will try to squeeze some juice off you even after you take action
But we are just guessing. Need an pic or 2 of that mail.
Hell it could be an congraz from “DMCA” mail and OP misread it.
Answer #6
I think this could have been a bot just searching form somethingWill you still be thinking that when someone shows up with some papers in their hand? Removal was the thing to. That’s all they wanted. And you might want to unban the poster. You did say it was a site for posting pics and he was just innocently contributing to the forum.
Answer #7
I agree with ..Removal of material is all what’s required..
That’s after a DMCA request submit:
– Evidence and official documents certifying their identity.
– Valid reason to demand the abolition of the content..
Banning the member is not necessary…Well we don’t do that in here..
Answer #8
I agree with ..Removal of material is all what's required..
That's after a DMCA request submit:
- Evidence and official documents certifying their identity.
- Valid reason to demand the abolition of the content..
Banning the member is not necessary...Well we don't do that in here..

I have done that sent them a email say I have removed the content. From what I am reading on the net this copyright troll keep hounding you till you pay them. Some people have gotten 2 or 3 notices from them.
Answer #9
If you read about him, you must’ve also noticed the mentioning of the possibility of a scam?

Answer #10
A good way to avoid scamming:
1. Have a DMCA policy link on your site. Require a written notice be sent (not via email) and register yourself with the Copyright Office (there is a smalll fee).
2. The notice now has to be mailed to you, and it must meet all of the requirements. If it does not, you now have recourse against the party filing the complaint.
3. Doing so makes your claim under the “knowledge of infringing material” more believable as you have a distinct written process in place. This stops the random trolling for material with a simple email being sent.
And no, you don’t have to ban the user; however, you should monitor that member for a time to ensure there are no further DMCA issues as it has been argued in court and won, that the site ‘knowingly permitted copyright material’ to be distributed as they should have seen a ‘red flag’ when there have been further infringements.
Answer #11
Hi – it sounds like you were a victim of a copyright troll. There are many companies out there looking to make a quick buck from innocent people who don’t know any better, trust me, if you have even an ounce of current knowledge that will not touch you, even being on this forum makes you an unlikely target. They are looking for the dumbest of the dumb, I.E the same people that pay the rightscorp $20 “settlement notices”.


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