I have a question about OS installs

August 7th, 2016

Hi all. I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post questions, but I did look around and it was this or “Off Topic” area. I have 2 copies of Vista Ultimate x64 that I downloaded from here and both run great. It’s just that 1 copy asks for a cd-key during the install and the other does not ask for a cd-key. Why is this? Sorry if this is a dumb question.. it’s just been bugging me lately.
Answer #1
Answer #2
maybe one of the installs was released by someone who input the serial no themselves in one of the config files?
Answer #3
More than likely the one that doesn’t ask is pre-cracked. If it’s not then its pre-activated or something like that.
You know what I mean anyways.
Answer #4
The one that Don’t ask for a key is modified the other one is not…
Answer #5
ah okay, yeah the one that did ask for a key restarts after it’s finally loaded to the Desktop. Thanks for the replies yall.
edit: but then again, it also had the Hibernate system disabled by default. So who knows..


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