I got another movie i need identifying XD

August 5th, 2016

Hey me again. Right so this film is about a kid in a wheelchair, and another big kid and they both become friends, and the big kid becomes the little kids legs and carrys him everywhere, one scene i remember is them running across a bridge together. Later on in the film the kid is dying, and says to the big one that a big building is finding a cure for him, so not to upset him, but when the little kid dies, the big kid wants to know why the building didnt cure him and he goes in and it turns out its a factory, i believe a toilet factory.
Thanks guys

Answer #1
Doesn’t sound exactly like you described, but could it be “The Mighty”?
Answer #2
lol, yeh thats it, I thought my description was good haha. I watched it years ago, would you reccommend it? (if youve seen it)
Answer #3
I’ve not seen it myself
I asked a friend on MSN if she knew what it was and that’s what she said.
Answer #4
haha awesome, thanks man ;]


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