how would i write 20,060.000505?

August 7th, 2016

How would you say/write to WORDS 20,060.000505
Bloody hell, so my uncle has a bachelors degree and he says he’d write it
Twenty thousand-sixty and five ten-thousandths – five millianths (if i’m spelling correctly, if not sorry!)
I’d say ‘and five hundred-five millianths’
then a friend told me five hundred-five thousandths
Also what about writing this to number
Nine billion, eight hundred seventy-six million, five hundred forty-three thousand, two hundred ten and one hundred million two hundred thousand three hundred billionths.

Answer #1
Answer #2
funny one you are. I mean to words.
Answer #3
You could say,”Approximately twenty thousand and sixty.
Answer #4
twenty billion sixty million five hundred five is the easy answer
Answer #5
twenty billion sixty million five hundred five is the easy answer
That would be:
Your answer might be the most wrong answer I’ve ever seen.
OP: Check out this site:
Answer #6
Answer #7
twenty billion sixty million five hundred five hundred-billionths
Convert Decimal Fractions into Words
Google search

WTF are you talking about?
How does 20,060.xxxxx = 20 billion?
Answer #8
I would just say “Twenty thousand-sixty point zero zero zero five zero five”
or “Twenty thousand-sixty point oh oh oh five oh five”
Answer #9
WTF are you talking about? How does 20,060.xxxxx = 20 billion?
Excuse me i was in the middle of doing an edit, nice langage
Answer #10
Twenty thousand and sixty point zero zero zero five zero five
Answer #11

I'd say 'and five hundred-five millianths'
then a friend told me five hundred-five thousandths

You would be correct.
Your friend is wrong. Five hundred-five thousandths would be .505
Decimals are named for the value of their last digit (tenths, hundredths, thousandths etc.


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