how to download many RS files?

August 7th, 2016

note: i
have read the FAQ threads and searched but couldn’t find any helpful results.
i’m sort of newb at downloading from RS… used to download 1 link files but now i’m looking towards downloading few gigs of games which brings me to the question:
how can i download many(about 60) files from RS without having premium account and with no need to manually activate each download when the previous ends?
thanks in advance!

Answer #1
you can use a download manager. But since your free try Jdownloader. The speeds wont be great due to RS and your connection limitations (nothing you can do about that) and the 15min wait time between each file (RS policy). Its gonna take a long time to download a few GB’s of stuff but faster than copying and pasting. Jdownloader should be straight foreward to use
Answer #2
I doubt it that can download 60 files even with a premium account…
Answer #3
I think the only way would be to buy a Premium account. If not start off with a Collectors account and work your way up till you can get a Premium account by gaining Rapidpoints.
Answer #4
I doubt it that can download 60 files even with a premium account...
we can i guess
and Jdownloader is the only one for freeusers. downloading 60 files is pain in ass for free users
Answer #5
i tried JDownloader and it works great! thanks.


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