How do I mass change the view of certain folders in Windows 7?

January 26th, 2020

I want every folder in my Music folder, once opened, to be viewed in “LIST” format… I don’t like the big icons or the “details” view… I hate having to individually open every folder and change the view to “List”…. is there a way to mas change every single folders view to “LIST” or not?
please let me know.. thanks!

Answer #1
Did you Google something like ” how to make all subfolders view same as main folder ” ?
Lots of answers there, but I don’t know if anything really works.
Would be interested to know myself..
Answer #2
You could hold control and scroll to your desired size/layout (as a shortcut)
EDIT: Oh dear me, I seem to have misread your original post
Answer #3
Did you Google something like " how to make all subfolders view same as main folder " ?
Lots of answers there, but I don't know if anything really works.
Would be interested to know myself..

yeah… i tried… and couldn’t find anything! bummer!
Answer #4
if you are asking for how to make a folder options default for all folders which will be created. open a folder , make your tweaks then click tools on menu bar , from there click folder options (google it if you dont know how) , in the middle tab of folder options menu , there is something called apply those settings to all folders. click it and all folder’s default will be set to it. it is important that you keep your modified folder open at the background
edit: i looked now, actually windows automatically assign list view for folder which contains only audio files. so you probably changed something to undone it. go to tab where “apply those settings to all folders” is that i told above , near it , there is something called make all folders to default or smth like that. click that then apply , restart your pc and see if it works.
edit 2 : if first method doesnt work , go to any music folder you tweaked according to your needs , choose “apply all folder” on folder options , it will certainly work
edit 3 : this shows how what i told is done with screenshots. after 3 edit , we found the solution lol now i really understand why people use screenshots for windows how to things since it is really pain to explain them by words.
as i told before , windows use list view as default template for audio files. to see how to tweak it more , look at this link
and this is for setting a specific folder type to its default style
so there are a few different ways to do what you want , i would personally do what last link says , go to a folder which have only audio files and reset it to default.
Answer #5
If you do “Apply to all Folders”. It will.
Not just the music folders but ALL folders in Windows..
Answer #6
depends on what type of folder that you opened on background , i thought same first that it will chance all windows folder but no , it just apply folder options to the folder of “same type” which is clearly written. so if it is music folder , it will effect only music folders. if you create a new folder make tweaks and click apply all , it will effect all the folders that goes under the general template also every folder you are going to create. i also knew like you but it is proved to be wrong after i try whats on the links
windows default template for audio folders is just the type he is asking for , so it will be easiest way to reset the audio folders template to default.
Answer #7
if you are asking for how to make a folder options default for all folders which will be created. open a folder , make your tweaks then click tools on menu bar , from there click folder options (google it if you dont know how) , in the middle tab of folder options menu , there is something called apply those settings to all folders. click it and all folder's default will be set to it. it is important that you keep your modified folder open at the background
edit: i looked now, actually windows automatically assign list view for folder which contains only audio files. so you probably changed something to undone it. go to tab where "apply those settings to all folders" is that i told above , near it , there is something called make all folders to default or smth like that. click that then apply , restart your pc and see if it works.
edit 2 : if first method doesnt work , go to any music folder you tweaked according to your needs , choose "apply all folder" on folder options , it will certainly work
edit 3 : this shows how what i told is done with screenshots. after 3 edit , we found the solution lol now i really understand why people use screenshots for windows how to things since it is really pain to explain them by words.
as i told before , windows use list view as default template for audio files. to see how to tweak it more , look at this link
and this is for setting a specific folder type to its default style
so there are a few different ways to do what you want , i would personally do what last link says , go to a folder which have only audio files and reset it to default.

awesome man! thx a lot! finally figured it out!
Answer #8
you are very welcome , i also learned a few things for myself through the process
Answer #9
Well done , works well, better than Google
Maybe Windows 10 is easier…Probably not!
Answer #10
Well done , works well, better than Google
Maybe Windows 10 is easier...Probably not!

i always thought that if something have too much of anything , it will start to become useless and will lead confusion. google just started to have too much information
for windows 10 , i wont planning to deal with it for at least 2 years , we are 1 year away from release + 1 year after until serious bugs are fixed. but if people setup a community for win 10 , like this one
nothing would be hard , although the site wont come up at the first pages of google sometimes , it is the far best win 7 how to site i have ever seen. it almost covers anything basic , also wondered and argued things over the forums , it should be anyone’s first stop who needs help with win 7.


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