How can I make my monitor work with 2 inputs?

January 22nd, 2020

Okay what I have is a Dell monitor it’s about 2 years old but is still good, it has to inputs VGA and DVI, right now I have the VGA going from my PC but would like to have my Xbox on the same monitor through the DVI, I already have the cable to use my xbox with my monitor and that goes to my other monitor that I use for gaming.
What I have done is bought a DVI-VGA adapter, but when I plug both PC and Xbox in only the device plugged into the VGA works…. I have switched them around checking both work but neither PC or Xbox work from DVI.
Is what I’m trying to do possible? Is there some Dell setting I’m just not doing right? Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Answer #1
Unless your monitor have a button/menu option to switch between the 2 inputs then its not doable (not directly at least)
and analog (vga) does come before digital so , But you can still achieve this by obtaining a KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse)
Answer #2
Any adjustments on the menu of the monitor itself that lets you manually select the input?


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