how can i know the ip of someone?

December 2nd, 2016

i have lost a document file that i downloaded long time ago,and it have in it some tips of how you can know the ip of the person you are chating with , in MSN MESSENGER.
but i dont remember what are the commands but what i remember is that u need to send file to the person u are chating with and while sending u type some command in the command prompt and gives u all the outgoing ips etc…i donno more .
and i am not sure if it still working with new versions of msn.
so if some1 have any ideas …waiting ur answers
thanks for ur time

Answer #1
CMD > netstat -n
Answer #2
in msn, a file transfer is needed, then use cmd>netstat
Answer #3
you can learn ip adress from msn. Download msnplus and ipget application.
Answer #4
the netstat -n worked perfect


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