Help with PS3 please?

January 2nd, 2014

Hi guys,
Im having trouble with my PS3 and can not find any recent answers any where onthe web.
Basically every thing has beenworking fine until about the last week and a bit. Some times it will not log into the PSN, other times it will.
When playing games like COD, thre is lots of lag, but when looking at my signal strength it shows as full. It also some times struggles to connect to the COD server.
I have run a speedtest and my ping is between 31-44ms and download is 1.31mbps which is about what it has always been.
Can any one help or point me in the right direction?
I have turned off media server, rebooted the router (a netgear dgn1000) and have run out of ideas.
Thank you

Answer #1
get a better internet connection or make sure your ports are open


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