Help with my pc please.

January 11th, 2018

Anyone knows about the ASUS P5Q-E Motherboard? Link:
It says: This motherboard supports ATI’s CrossFireX boosts image quality along with rendering speed, eliminating the need to scale down screen resolutions to get the high image quality you want. When it says that with the ATI and crossfire, will it say that i can’t use a nVIDIA gtx275 in it? Help please:)
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Answer #1
Nah, you can use the nVidia in there. It won’t matter. you won’t be able to do SLI.. (Atleast that’s what I think anyway..) But you should be able to use the nVidia card.
Answer #2
Answer #3
Blaze is correct, no need to say anymore.
Hope your case is big enough and you have a decent PSU. And possibly that your CPU won’t bottleneck it.
Answer #4
my case is 430 x 200 x 430 mm.
I have Intel Core 2 quad 2.33ghz and 600watt psu. is it okay?
Answer #5
Indeed, the 275 is one of the higher end cards out, and without a great CPU, it won’t do much… So if you have an older CPU, you might want to consider upgrading that.
Answer #6
It depends on what PSU you have, if you have a lower ranked brand it will not perform well. Note: PSU’s are rated Peak Power, so it won’t do long at 600 Watt.
Verdict: Since GTX275 is a current sucker, your best bet is to upgrade the PSU before you proceed further. According to some examination, most 600 Watter’s don’t have extra connectors required by todays video cards.
Answer #7
Hmm, 600W doens’t seem that good.. You might need extra cables to connect to the GPU. The CPU looks decent… Quad will do..
Any more info on the PSU? (Make, Model?)
Answer #8
LC Power Silent Giant Green Power LC6600GP2 V2.3
Should i go for the 800 watt?
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Answer #9
List the thing you want to buy. There are plenty of PSU’s that are rated 800 watts.
Answer #10
Link to psu:
Answer #11
That’s a great powersupply, works perfectly for me so far. I have a Q66 and SLI 8800GT’s on it.. Plus 4 SATA drives (3HDD and a DVD-R)
Whats your price range? We’ll help you find a good powersupply for that price..
Answer #12
I got Incognito Case (point of view).
Cpu: intel core 2 quad 2.33 ghz
Mobo: P5Q-E
RAM: 4gb Corsair XMS2 Dominator
HDD: 1x Seagate 100gb unknown model 1x Samsung spinpoint 40gb, also unknown
GFX: XFX GeForce GTX 275 DVD -RW Sunbeam Cooler, + cpu cooler, + ram cooler, + case cooler. maybe lights (leds)
Answer #13
Well they aren’t one of the biggest brands.
So their reviews are questionable. You should try Enermax, their PSU’s are rock solid according to benchmarks, a bit pricey though. Or PC Power And Cooling.
Answer #14
what do you think about this?
Answer #15
Alright, everything looks fine so far… Umm, What PSU are you getting? And whats the total price for the build?
Answer #16
Corsair doesn’t make their own PSU, ACBEL OEM makes it for them. But according to reviews they do a good job.
Answer #17

Davidtan wrote: Select all

Corsair doesn’t make their own PSU, ACBEL OEM makes it for them. But according to reviews they do a good job.
Lol, yeah, just like the chips and ~love~ inside their modules come from other companies xD (Toshiba/Samsung, etc) But its real good quality stuff.
Answer #18
so will be finde to my rig?
Answer #19
I got the same motherboard. Modified BIOSes available that boost OC, very low vdroop + stable OC. Good temps on NB/SB. Would recommend it. Btw I run a GTX 285 on it.
Edit: I got the same Corsair PSU as well
Corsair doesn't make their own PSU, ACBEL OEM makes it for them. Where did you hear that?
Corsair’s PSUs are made by Seasonic and some are made CWT.