help with 360 fix

August 2nd, 2016

I had the E74 error and it was overheating so I thought and watched videos on youtube and took it apart and did this little fix with the x clamp. After I did this and put everything back together I now have the RROD.
Answer #1
Did you try the towel trick?
Answer #2
dont try the towel trick…….it does more harm then good…….check the secondary error code of your 360 by holding down the synch button & hitting the eject button 4 times……then try googling the error code……one of my 360s also had a e74 i fixed it with the heat gun…….
Answer #3
The towel trick works…I fixed mine quite a few times…It’s a short fix..But it works…I would not recommend something that I didn’t try myself..
Beside..It could be something simple like the heat sink not sitting properly…
Answer #4
The towel trick works...I fixed mine quite a few times...It's a short fix..But it works...I would not recommend something that I didn't try myself..
Beside..It could be something simple like the heat sink not sitting properly...

hmmm… be honest i tried the towel trick myself ..but it didnt last…you may be rite about the heat sink part though…..
Answer #5
Did you do the Xclamp right? coz that worked for me for months before it rrod again.
If XC don’t work try the penny fix. That also worked for me but it didn’t last as long as XC.
Answer #6
make sure the paste on the GPU and CPU are spread evenly and make sure the bolts aren’t to tight or loose, when i did mine i had to keep tightening until the heat sink was at the right level just check these.


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