Help me with my Website

August 3rd, 2016

Hi all,
Whenever i post my website and submit my Sitemap on Google Webmaster it takes at least 2 days to get indexed.
Moreover, after the indexing, i am not able to find the post on Google even when i am searching it by the same post time.
my site is : ~Removed-~
Please help

#4.1 You may only promote your website once. This may be done in the Link Heaven section and only applies to sites that are within the rules.-~

Answer #1
I got one word for you, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
You could either hire an SEO expert to do it for you, Or google for tutorials for
your particular blogging platform (I.E “wordpress seo tutorial”)
Answer #2
But i have done everything concerned with the SEO
idk where i missed anything in SEO
keywords, description, robots.txt, backlinks, google webmaster, submitting sitemaps.
I have done them all, but still not getting results
Answer #3
Clearly, Your doing something wrong.
If you can’t figure out what it is, Then hiring an SEO expert would be best!


| Sitemap |