Help in finding webcam drivers!

August 5th, 2016

Title fixed -
I have an age old web cam named m6522 trendy cam from a company named ming i lost its driver cd and badly would like to collect its drivers. atfer a long search i found out their site but they are providing only the software and not its drivers…please can anyone help me….i need those badly…..

Answer #1
Look here
Half way down the page
Answer #2
Just a quick question.Mingjong is usually the file name given by Windows for webcam installation folders in program files.Are you sure thats the correct name for the cam.
Answer #3
Usually the software will have the software will have the drivers bundled into it as well.
Answer #4
I have Gemini USB webcam..imistake uninstall the drivers and lost the CD as well..could you please help me
Answer #5
I have Gemini USB webcam..imistake uninstall the drivers and lost the CD as well..could you please help me
Try those links:
or as one members said:
Re: DRIVER NEEDED for GEMINI USB WEBCAM Call off the dogs -- I finally found a driver which worked -- at the link below to share with all. The camera works fine now as a webcam with Yahoo messenger.


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