Help in finding webcam drivers!
August 5th, 2016Title fixed -
I have an age old web cam named m6522 trendy cam from a company named ming i lost its driver cd and badly would like to collect its drivers. atfer a long search i found out their site but they are providing only the software and not its drivers…please can anyone help me….i need those badly…..
Look here
Half way down the page
Just a quick question.Mingjong is usually the file name given by Windows for webcam installation folders in program files.Are you sure thats the correct name for the cam.
Usually the software will have the software will have the drivers bundled into it as well.
I have Gemini USB webcam..imistake uninstall the drivers and lost the CD as well..could you please help me
I have Gemini USB webcam..imistake uninstall the drivers and lost the CD as well..could you please help me
Try those links:
or as one members said:
Re: DRIVER NEEDED for GEMINI USB WEBCAM Call off the dogs -- I finally found a driver which worked -- at the link below to share with all. The camera works fine now as a webcam with Yahoo messenger.