HELP | Copying database | SQL Server Management Studio

November 12th, 2013

Basically what I am trying to do is to copy the entire content from a local database (located on my hard disk; attached in the Server Management Studio) to an existing database on a remote machine (connected using SQL Server Authentication)
I have tried with the Import data… wizard, but it only copies the tables their content – and unfortunately NOT the relationships, nor the stored procedures…
Can you suggest any possible solutions?

Answer #1
Sorry, never used MS SQL. Only MySQL. I was taught from 20 years of experience not to use that.
What exactly are you trying to do?
Why are you using MS SQL and not MySQL? =(
Answer #2
Make a copy of your database (deattach it first from SQL server) and attach it to your remote SQL server.
Answer #3
Cobalton replied: Make a copy of your database (deattach it first from SQL server) and attach it to your remote SQL server.
Thank you for the advice, but in my case I don’t have the permission to do that.
I have access to a SQL server (host) with a specific IP address, and I log-in with a username & password (required for the SQL Server Authentication) which are actually a Database user-name & password previously created (for a previously created database, of course)….so that’s not helping
Answer #4
Probably there is a reason why you don’t have this permission… you trying to do something, but you don’t have permission for it. That is my opinion so far.


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