Hacking with an IP address

August 5th, 2016

My site has been hacked by a little kid because I banned him and his IP off of my site due to breaking multiple rules. Two to three hours later he hacked my site and deleted all the files in it. He told me via AIM that he did it and I still have his IP address. Is there anything I can do? I know this sound very immature of me but I dislike when little kids do these types of things.
Answer #1
Not allowed. A little googling may help you with your answer.
Answer #2
oh sorry I’m just angry about this issue…someone please close this I guess since this is not allowed..I’m sorry
Answer #3
i want to know how a little kid hacked you
Answer #4
Script kiddie most likely, or he knows someone. How about upping your site security, and he could have something on your computer, maybe a botnet which alot are undetectable, maybe i can help…
Answer #5
please do help…anyone please PM me if you are willing to help and if you are thanks so much
Answer #6
Trace his IP and get his ISP info, then report the illegal activity to his ISP.
Hacking him back wont resolve anything, he will just retalitate and hack you back.
Answer #7
www.fbi.gov They specialized in Cyber Crimes or do the ISP thing but its always more crushing when the FBI shows up


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