guys need hlp regarding paid surveys?

January 26th, 2020

Hey guys can u suggest some survey sites that pay for indians most of the survys sites r for US n Canada
for eg cashcrate n treasuretropper no surveys r found here for indians i guess
Only thing i see in their site is no offers found
Is there ny other good site whis has good international offers

Answer #1
You tried.
Answer #2

Scotty Boii wrote: Select all

You tried.
yea dude its ptc
i m looking for surveys
Answer #3

Scotty Boii wrote: Select all

You tried.

yea dude its ptc
i m looking for surveys
Theres loads mate but they take a long time too pay out.
Answer #4
Most of these are scams – you probably won’t get much money – My solution – get a decent job instead of a few $ every 6 months.
Answer #5

.:Yawn:. wrote: Select all

Most of these are scams – you probably won’t get much money – My solution – get a decent job instead of a few $ every 6 months.
Answer #6
Spam removed ~ Headucatiion.

Answer #7
ya there is try this one
u get paid 26$ for clicking
http://www.~ censored If you are reading this report this SPAMMER to a moderator ~25589
grt site
and refer some frnds

actually this site is notoriously known to not payout. You reach the pay amount they just ditch you. You can give gptreasure a try but otherwise its better to get a job
Answer #8
Here is a very helpful short guide to paid surveys:
It includes a very nice list of legitimate survey sites.