Google Adwords worth the investment

February 2nd, 2020

If I started to advertise on google adwords will it be worth my money. If I dont get tons of business will at least get more website hits. Anybody have experience with it.
Answer #1
It depends on what you’re product or service is. I have extensive experience with it, but without knowing details of what you’re linking to, I have no way to help. Let me know, and I’ll tell you what I can.
Answer #2
It depends on what you're product or service is. I have extensive experience with it, but without knowing details of what you're linking to, I have no way to help. Let me know, and I'll tell you what I can.3d mechanical design/product desing/industrial design/cad drawings/animation/3d rendering/ pop design/ cabinet design/furniture design
Answer #3
That’s gonna be a competitive search. Just with those keywords alone, you’re looking at an average click-through bid of about $15 a click. Will be successful, but expensive campaign.
Answer #4
That's gonna be a competitive search. Just with those keywords alone, you're looking at an average click-through bid of about $15 a click. Will be successful, but expensive campaign.? dam I cant afford thousands of dollars in clicks a month? I can spend maybe 200-300 campaign a month for a few hundred clicks a month in return.
Answer #5
You can set your budget, but those keywords are high demand, so if you bid low, you won’t get that many hits, and you’ll never be on the first page. I do wish you the best of luck.
Answer #6
thanx mate i will try to find some other method


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