Game Error

August 4th, 2016

i download games like cod mw 2 and things like that and they work but when i download gta iv it sez something about i dont have permissions something like that also when i play street fighter iv it sez something about ratings or something can anyone tell me a soloution. im usin vista ultimate x86
Answer #1
please be more specific about what the errors actually are
Answer #2
When i click on the .exe it says you do not have user privileges and it also says check your game rating systems
Answer #3
hmmm sounds strange? using win7? Try right clicking “computer” can you see a rating of your computer there? otherwise try making it rate it. (dont think thats it but still try) and what about admin privileges ? got those? try righlicking the exe and run as admin? If thats not walk your talking about then im blanc
Answer #4
hmmm sounds strange? using win7? Try right clicking "computer" can you see a rating of your computer there? otherwise try making it rate it. (dont think thats it but still try) and what about admin privileges ? got those? try righlicking the exe and run as admin? If thats not walk your talking about then im blanc
thanks but i tried that but it still wont work


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