Freq. BSODS (nVidia based, nv4_mini.sys)
August 5th, 2016
For example I run nTune, I accept the license (Cos I want to edit fan speed) and it BSODS… SO i cant edit fan speed… I also tried downloading nVidia system tools… Same effect…
I downloaded drivers from 170 and something up to latest 185 (something drivers)… Same effect all the time… I used driver sweeper, PC was on service and guy siad it works good… But, I dont think so… I cant run any game longer than 30 minutes cos it overheats like hell and its really HOT when i try to touch the case… You can cook eggs almost… xD But seriously there is no way to set fan speed in bios / setup mode…
I browsed nVidia forums, but there were no smarter answers than to sweep drivers and install new / old ones… Im sick of that, if it didn’t help, it wont… Something else is problem…
GeForce BFG 8800GT OCX 512MB x2 (SLI)
SLI bridge on its place, everything connect fine…
Dump, manifest and sysinfo:
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/237086424/minidmp_manifest_sysdata.rar
Help please
How’s ventilation in the case?

Uhm, There is one from behind and one in front, and case is not fully closed (Perforated case or we)
What are the actual temps? Btw did you try with one card instead of two?

It was at one all the time… I couldnt even enable SLI… Well I downlaoded some random nTune today which SOMEHOW managed to enable SLI
Yeah but it gets over 60 C for sure, I dont have any temp controllers right now
Yeah but it gets over 60 C for sure, I dont have any temp controllers right now
60 is not high dude. High for gfx these days is 90C+You got Vista I assume? Got an XP install to go back to? Might be better on that.

Yeah but it gets over 60 C for sure, I dont have any temp controllers right now
60 is not high dude. High for gfx these days is 90C+You got Vista I assume? Got an XP install to go back to? Might be better on that.
Im not sure I just guessed it… I have SP3 (XP)\
BUt it sets PC on auto-sleep mode really fast when i play games… I think its fan speed problem… Can it be?
Nah can’t be. I still don’t think you ever actually took out one card. Disabling SLI doesn’t actually turn the second card off.

Im not going to touch that, its connected with all sorts of cables xD
But now seriously is there other way to check speed of fan (GPU)
eVGA’s Precision tool lets me see mine. Don’t know what you have. You must have some tool from your manufacturer.
Come to think of it I installed that some time ago
GPU 1 Temp. 73
GPU 2 Temp. 85
GPU 1, 2 fan speed 100%
GPU 1, 2 core clock 702
GPU 1, 2 mem. clock 99
GPU 1, 2 shader clock 1728
PC running about 2 hours, no games played, no videos watched, nothing that could cause high usage of it
Should i clock it or?
Temps are pretty high considering you haven’t done much. Take off the side cover. Keep a fan blowing on it. See if the temps go down.

Prob. is that side cover is shut (Looks like its welded or some s#) o.O Strange…
I can take off the one from behind but than ill be taking psu or vent off…
And somehow I think GPU 2 is causing all the problems… Its too far from vent.

How can it be shut lol there’s someway the hardware all got in there. Keep looking it will come off somehow.
Btw a real picture would help

Btw a real picture would help
Doh its too dark xD
Ill edit reply and PM u when i take enough pics

Dude. Just take those two thumbcrews off pull on the edge till the side comes off. It’s easy stuff.
perforated ?
that is open, no cover
if so just point a fan into the case and see if the temps go down
can you see the vid card fans thro the perforation, they spinning ?
and your fan speed is already 100% so it looks like you will need to open the case to see if your vid card fans are clogged with dust
perforated ?
that is open, no cover
if so just point a fan into the case and see if the temps go down
can you see the vid card fans thro the perforation, they spinning ?
and your fan speed is already 100% so it looks like you will need to open the case to see if your vid card fans are clogged with dust
No dust… Looks like fans are working too… I see it spinning…
both the fans on the back working (PSU & blue one)
air feel warm – hot – very hot ?
this just start after it was worked on
maybe they did not plug something back in
both the fans on the back working (PSU & blue one)
air feel warm - hot - very hot ?
this just start after it was worked on
maybe they did not plug something back in
Air feels warm / hot
And Since it has good lighting inside I can tell you that fan is not working at 100%
I can see shadow of fan moving slowly… And when i enters sleep mode (After overheating) it starts turning faster…
I can tell you that fan is not working at 100%
the vid card fan or CPU fan or back fan ?
I can tell you that fan is not working at 100%
the vid card fan or CPU fan or back fan ?
Vid, Isn’t that what we are talking about all the time
but the back ones also came up
you have any vid card tweaking software installed, that might include fan control
EVGA make one that works with most gforce cards
see if you can bring the fan speed up with that
but the back ones also came up
you have any vid card tweaking software installed, that might include fan control
EVGA make one that works with most gforce cards
see if you can bring the fan speed up with that
Its posted on page 1
It tells me that fan speed is at 100%
Does it come with warranty? If you’re fairly sure the second card has fan problems then get it replaced.

Like said it was on service few days before… They said everything is fine… I kep calling em but they said everything works fine, the problem might be cos the PC is strong and it requires a lot… Changing PSU might help a bit, but PSU isn’t the main problem, I might buy 8800 VGA cooler… I think that might be the best option…
2 coolers are better than 1
No not the PC service. The graphics card should come with it’s own warranty.

Mhm… I got just the warranty from PC service… Its custom built PC (They built it) so they replace hardware too…
It tells me that fan speed is at 100%
but you say the speed increases as your re-booting
do you hear the fan speed decrease at boot, just as the windows logo appears
that might be the problem
incorrect speed control
It tells me that fan speed is at 100%
but you say the speed increases as your re-booting
do you hear the fan speed decrease at boot, just as the windows logo appears
that might be the problem
incorrect speed control
Fan is louder when pc overheats… Than it starts working like maniac… But until that… Works slower
you ever get the case open or get a fan blowing inside to see if it cools the card as well
I might buy 8800 VGA cooler.
just might help, can’t hurt