FRAPS recording is DARK

August 1st, 2016

Hi Everything did go well, to suddenly, with another game, …
FRAPS recording is DARK. I almost don’t see anything of my game ??
What’s wrong ?? I didn’t change settings.
For help, pls tell me step by step, I’m a newbie.

Answer #1
Better is Bandicam.
I don’t know about Fraps but maybe is set to record desktop instead game.
Answer #2
Fraps was always, due years superb. Then I use Freemake to Convert.
Why now, suddenly, to dark to record. Does it depend from game to game ??
It’s so dam weired.
Answer #3
Fraps is maybe one of the first ones but far from superb…in my opinion is like this 1. Mirillis, 2. Bandicam, 3. Maybe Fraps.
Answer #4
Tried to install: Bandicam
Error error on: Keymaker I had that problem also, in the past …
Edited: Mirillis
I will try this.
If it also don’t work, I don’t care anymore.
People must view DARK recordings
Ow, gotta another idea: Do you know a simple video EDITOR ??
To push the: BRIGHTNESS up ??
Maybe this helps ?? Hopefully ??
Thanks for helping
Answer #5
Turn off AV, after that change hosts file, run keymaker as admin and after that block Bandicam in firewall. Scan your pc for errors…update drivers, net framework…etc.
Movie maker:
Answer #6
I’m NOT a CODE worker or so … Or with PHPBB codes and stuff.
I’m a NEWBIE (again
Do you perhaps know, a VIDEO – EDITOR ?? Program
A program, to PUSH BRIGHTNESS up ??
Maybe this will help me already enough …
Greetz and thanks
There must be some programs,
Answer #7
Google is your friend.. heres two links, one for an encoding forum which has 4 pages on the one topic of the issue, as well as a youtube howto video..

Also many other pages of info googleing dark fraps.
Answer #8
I'm NOT a CODE worker or so ... Or with PHPBB codes and stuff.
I'm a NEWBIE (again
Do you perhaps know, a VIDEO - EDITOR ?? Program
A program, to PUSH BRIGHTNESS up ??
Maybe this will help me already enough ...
Greetz and thanks
There must be some programs,

What are you talking about, what PHPBB..CODE???
You ask something, I answer, than you edit previous post, than I edit my post. I told you that the Movie maker is the simple software for brightness, I posted a picture how to.
I don’t understand you.
Answer #9
Ok, changed brightness, into that program and saved changes.
It’s still dark …. Yeezus, what a … ???
Answer #10
how large is your video file? Maybe I could download it and see what I get at my end??
I use bandicam btw.
Answer #11
Again, the best way to deal with a problem like this is to think, at least one person on the internet has had the prob before you, and posted about it!! Unless im behind your comp I dont know specifically.. But im sure some has posted your own problem.. Google it.. and research.. I googled and got 1001 and 1 links… just have to find the specific problem for yourself, which cant be done by others, due to not having specific information…


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